Hi there! I’m an award-winning novelist, creative writing instructor, and book lover.
Credit: Pinto Portrait
Credit: Pinto Portrait
Nicole J. Persun is an award-winning and internationally bestselling novelist with a master’s degree in creative writing and instruction. She writes in many genres, most notably contemporary fiction under the pen name Jennifer Gold. Nicole has taught writers as a keynote speaker, in large-scale class settings, intimate workshops, and one-on-one coaching for over twelve years.
Nicole got her start publishing fantasy with Booktrope Editions, a small press that folded in 2016. Her debut, A Kingdom’s Possession, was a finalist for the 2011 Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Award and Dead of Knight was a winner of the 2013 Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Award.
As Jennifer Gold, Nicole has published four novels: The Ingredients of Us (2020 Book Excellence Award Winner and a two-time finalist for the 2020 International Book Award), Keep Me Afloat (2021 Book Excellence Award Winner and a 2020 Chanticleer International Book Awards Somerset First Place Winner), Halfway to You (Amazon First Reads pick, 2023 Chanticleer International Book Awards Somerset First Place Winner), and her newest release, Polite Calamities. Jennifer Gold’s books are traditionally published by Lake Union Publishing.
Nicole lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two cats. When she’s not writing, she can be found sipping coffee, reading, or out in nature.
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The Write Inspiration is both an ongoing Substack newsletter and a single-season podcast intended to help authors form a healthier relationship with their creativity while learning the basics of novel-writing craft.